mardi 15 juin 2010

Generation Y let down by schools and managers

Generation Y let down by schools and managers

The recession is not the only disadvantage facing young people entering or trying to get ahead in the jobs' market. They are also being badly let down by the school system and by entrenched negative stereotypes within the media and the boardroom.

According to new research from the UK's Ashridge Business School, Generation Y school-leavers and workers, or those aged 27 and under, not only have the worst economic conditions in a generation to deal with but also media hype about them being spoilt, work-shy and demanding, negative preconceptions from employers and a school system that is failing to prepare them properly for the world of work.

Its poll of 133 people within 59 companies found that, while Generation Y workers were indeed challenging and demanding, they were not any more so than previous generations were or had been.

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